JQuery and CSS can be used to create a div overlay without impacting the positions of other divs on the

Is there a way to make a div overlay other divs (like a dropdown list) without affecting the positions of other divs?

I have a #hidden div that appears when you hover over a #HoverMe div, but it moves the position of other divs when hovered.

  1. How can I make the hidden-div overlay other divs?

  2. How can I prevent the hidden-div from affecting the positions of other divs?

This is what currently happens:

    ------    ------   ------
   |  1  |  |   2   | |  3   |  //#HoverMe div is not hovered
    ------   -------   ------
    ------  |      |  -------   ------
    |  1  | |Affect| |   2   | |  3   |  ////#HoverMe div is hovered, affects others div positions
    ------  |      |  -------   ------

Desired outcome:

    ------  |  No  |----   ------
    |  1  | |Affect| 2  | |  3   |  //Just overlay, without affecting others div positions
    ------  |      |---   ------

My code snippet:

        $("#hidden").css('display', 'block');
    }, function() {
        $("#hidden").css('display', 'none');


I am using my #HoverMe-div to display content in #hidden-div which consists of a list of items I want to show.

 <div id="HoverMe" >
     This owner owns @Html.DisplayFor(model => model.TotCar) cars in total

 <div id="hidden" style="background-color: black"> 
     @foreach (var car in Model.Car) { 

Answer №1

Simply include the CSS property position:absolute in the #hidden div and everything should function properly.

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