Javascript: Issue with loading image resource onto a specific div element

Seeking guidance on how to display the actual image resource on a div tag:

Here is the script in full:

var smileys = [];
smileys[":)"] = "happy.png";
smileys[":D"] = "laugh.png";
smileys[":3"] = "meow.png";
smileys[":{"] = "must.png";
smileys[":V"] = "pac.png";
smileys[":("] = "sad.png";
smileys[":O"] = "surprised.png";
smileys[":?"] = "wat.png";

function RegExpEscape(str) {
  return str.replace(/[\-\[\]\/\{\}\(\)\*\+\?\.\\\^\$\|]/g, "\\$&");

function replaceEmoticons(str) {
  for (var key in smileys) {
    var re = new RegExp("(?:^|\\s)" + RegExpEscape(key) + "(?=$|\\s)", 'g');
    var str2 = "<img src='images/smileys/" + smileys[key] + "'/>";
    var inputName = document.getElementById("input");
    str = str.html().replace(re, str2);
  return (str);

var delay = (function() {
  var timer = 0;
  return function(callback, ms) {
    timer = setTimeout(callback, ms);


function update() {

$('#input').keyup(function() {
  delay(update, 250);
<script src=""></script>

<h4>Input :</h4>

<textarea id="input">
  Hello how are you all doing today? :)

<h4>Result :</h4>

<div id="result">

Upon inspecting the element, no errors were detected in the console! Appreciate any assistance.

Answer №1

Keep in mind that the javascript code runs before the DOM finishes loading. After the page loads, the code executes and if #input doesn't exist yet, issues may arise. Make sure to place it within a $(document).ready function, or use an onload event.

 $(document).ready(function() {

      //your code here



Check out this fiddle:

Answer №2

When looking at this function:

 function replaceEmoticons(str) {
        for (var key in smileys) {
            var re = new RegExp("(?:^|\\s)" + RegExpEscape(key) + "(?=$|\\s)", 'g');
            var str2 = "<img src='images/smileys/" + smileys[key] + "'/>";
            var inputName = document.getElementById("input");
            str = str.html().replace(re, str2);
        return (str);

The issue arises when using the html() method on str since it is the value of an input as indicated here:


To resolve this, simply discard the html() method and the code will function correctly.

For reference, I have created a fiddle for you.

Answer №3

When using $().val(), the return type is a string which does not have the .html() method available

Make amendments to the replaceEmoticons function:

 updatedString = updatedString.replace(pattern, newString);

Here is a successful example:

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