JavaScript failing to accurately measure the length

Currently experiencing a Javascript issue where the length of an element is not displayed correctly when using .length, even though it shows up in Chrome console.

Here is what it looks like in Chrome console

<html xmlns="">
          <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>
          <title>Hello World - Google  Web Search API Sample</title>
          <script src=""
          <script language="Javascript" type="text/javascript">

          google.load('search', '1');

          function OnLoad() {

            var searchControl = new;

            var localSearch = new;


            localSearch.setCenterPoint("New York, NY");


        <body onLoad="myFunction()">
          <div id="searchcontrol">Loading</div>
            function myFunction() {
              var y = document.getElementsByClassName('gsc-webResult gsc-result');
              var y2 = y.length;

The problem lies in saving the element in variable y and getting its length in y2, leading to incorrect results when console logging them.

If you have any insights on this issue, your help would be much appreciated.

Edit: Included functional source code.

Answer №1

var x = document.getElementsByClassName('gsc-webResult gsc-result');

This line of code retrieves an array containing all elements that match the specified query. To determine the number of elements in the array, you can use x.length. However, keep in mind that this value represents the length of the array, not the actual element itself.

If you are looking for a specific element within the array, you can access it by using x[0] assuming that your target element is the first one in the array. From there, you can find the length of the text within that element.

It's important to note that if you only require a single element, it might be beneficial to refine your query to make it more specific. Without seeing the corresponding DOM tree, it's challenging to provide exact guidance on how to do so effectively.

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