Issues with webpage responsiveness, width not adjusting correctly

Just completed coding my website and now I'm facing a new challenge. I am focusing on making it responsive for tablet screens (768px) starting with the header section, but for some reason, the modifications I make in the responsive.css file are not taking effect. The width of the header remains unchanged.

Additionally, I attempted changing the position of the header from absolute to static or relative, but nothing seems to work. While the site looks amazing at 100% zoom, it becomes messy when zoomed out. Is there anyone who can assist me with this issue? I'm puzzled as to what is causing the problem.

Answer №1

For more information, please visit this website.

The modifications I made to the CSS code are as follows:

    /*   left: 1110px; */
    right:10px;  /* updated */  


   /*   left: 1138px; */
   right:10px;  /* updated */  

I hope this explanation is helpful!

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