Adjust the overflow to automatically decrease at regular intervals

Is there a way to make the scroll automatically move down a bit every few seconds, revealing more text in the process? Here's an example of how I want it to work:

Answer №1

If there are any tasks remaining, you can implement a timer that automatically restarts itself:

function scroll() {
    $('#x').animate({ scrollTop: '+=5px' }, 100, function() {
        if($('#x table').height() - this.scrollTop - $('#x').height() > 0)
            setTimeout(scroll, 500);

Check out this updated example:

Note that I included id="x" in your HTML for easier access to the <div>.

Answer №2

let element = document.getElementById(.......); // Alternatively, use jQuery
let scrollingInterval = setInterval(
    () => {
        // Choose one:
        //element.scrollBy(0,1); // Use this if it's a textarea or similar element
        //element.scrollTop = element.scrollTop + 1; // Use this if it's a DIV
    10 // Repeat every 10 milliseconds

To stop the scrolling:


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