Issues with the CSS in our unique eBay template are creating some challenges

Our team is currently in the process of creating a customized template for our eBay listings.

eBay provides users with the option to upload a description as HTML code and allows the code to link external CSS files.

When uploading HTML code on eBay, it appears within an iframe. It seems that eBay calculates the height of the page upon loading and adjusts the iframe accordingly.

If you'd like to view one of our test listings in eBay's sandbox environment, please click on the following link: here

While using Chrome/Firefox, there may be a second scroll bar next to the listing. However, in Internet Explorer, the listing might cover eBay's footer, which could pose additional issues.

In the past, I was able to resolve this scrolling issue using CSS methods, but unfortunately, I can't recall the exact solution.

Any assistance or guidance would be greatly appreciated.

For reference, here is the CSS code we are working with: here

Answer №1

To fix the issue, simply delete the following line from the #StartDescription section in your CSS stylesheet:

height: 650px;

After making this adjustment, the problem should be resolved in Chrome, Firefox, and Opera browsers.

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