Issues with keyboard accessibility in drop down menus

Looking to improve the keyboard accessibility of my menu bar. Swapped out all instances of :hover with :focus, but unfortunately dropdown menus are still not accessible via keyboard. Does anyone have a solution for this issue?

Appreciate any help!

Answer №1

Upon observing the common methods used to create dropdown menus, it seems that many rely on applying the :hover and :focus styles to a li element. While :hover works for all elements in modern browsers, :focus is limited to links and form controls by default.

Although you can use tab-index to force an element to accept :focus, this approach may not be ideal for a menu due to its cumbersome nature.

If my assumptions about your issue are correct, a more effective solution would involve using JavaScript to enhance keyboard accessibility for your dropdown. One technique I often use involves adding the "hover" class to li elements as they become focused through mouse or keyboard interaction.

Check out this resource for more information on creating keyboard-accessible interfaces.

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