Issues with Angular-Trix compatibility with Internet Explorer 10

I am currently using the Angular-trix rich text editor, which is functioning perfectly in all browsers including IE 11. However, I am encountering issues with it not working in IE10 or earlier versions.

An error message that keeps appearing states:

Unable to set property 'trixMutable' of undefined or null reference


<trix-editor ng-model-options="{updateOn:'blur'}" spellcheck="false" class="trix-content" ng-model="trix" angular-trix trix-initialize="trixInitialize(e, editor);" trix-change="trixChange(e, editor);" trix-selection-change="trixSelectionChange(e, editor);" trix-focus="trixFocus(e, editor);" trix-blur="trixBlur(e, editor);" trix-file-accept="trixFileAccept(e, editor);" trix-attachment-add="trixAttachmentAdd(e, editor);" trix-attachment-remove="trixAttachmentRemove(e, editor);" placeholder="Write something.."></trix-editor>

I have been unable to identify the root cause of this issue.

I came across a similar problem on Stack Overflow here, but unfortunately, the solution did not work for me.

Visit Plunker Link

I also reported this issue on GitHub, however, I have not received any response yet.

Note: Please try opening the provided plunkr link in IE10 or older versions.

Answer №1

I successfully resolved the issue by updating trix to the latest version 0.10.1. By incorporating dataset.js, it now functions flawlessly in IE. The inclusion of dataset.js addresses the error by supplying any missing core dependencies in IE.

Encountering "Unable to set property 'trixSelection' of undefined or null reference"

Complete corrected code

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html ng-app="trixDemo">

  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" />

  <script src="polyfills.js"></script>
  <script data-require="<a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection" class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="46272821332a27342c35067768726872">[email protected]</a>" data-semver="1.4.4" src=""></script>
  <script src=""></script>
  <script src="angular-trix.js"></script> 
  <script src="democtrl.js"></script>

<body ng-controller="trixDemoCtrl">
  <trix-editor ng-model-options="{ updateOn: 'blur' }" 
               spellcheck="false" class="trix-content" 
               trix-initialize="trixInitialize(e, editor);" 
               trix-change="trixChange(e, editor);" 
               trix-selection-change="trixSelectionChange(e, editor);" 
               trix-focus="trixFocus(e, editor);" 
               trix-blur="trixBlur(e, editor);" 
               trix-file-accept="trixFileAccept(e, editor);" 
               trix-attachment-add="trixAttachmentAdd(e, editor);" 
               trix-attachment-remove="trixAttachmentRemove(e, editor);" 
               placeholder="Write something.."></trix-editor>

>> View Demo Plunkr

If the contents of trix.js do not require special attention, my suggestion would be to consider transitioning to textAngular, which appears to offer a more stable solution. I trust that this resolution aids in seamlessly integrating trix.js into your application.

Answer №2

After checking out their Github Repository, it appears that they do not offer support for IE10. However, I decided to try and make it work:

Step 1: Attempt to update your trix.js to version 0.10.1

Here is the CDN link that I used

Step 2: When running this code on IE 10, a new error will occur

Unable to set property 'trixSelection' of undefined or null reference

According to an entry in the trix Issue list, adding the dataset polyfill should resolve this issue

Once you've done that, the provided Plunker demo should function properly in IE10

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