Challenging design with CSS shapes

Can this specific shape be created using just one HTML element?

I am looking to use it for image cropping purposes, so having only one element would make the process easier

Answer №1

Can you create this shape using just one element?


div {
  width: 80px;
  height: 140px;
  background: red;
  position: relative;
div:after {
  content: "";
  display: block;
  width: 110%;
  height: 60px;
  background: white;
  position: absolute;
  left: -14px;
div:before {
  transform: rotate(-20deg);
  top: -40px;
div:after {
  transform: rotate(20deg);
  bottom: -40px;

Note: You may need to make some adjustments to achieve your desired result, but the concept is there.

Would I recommend using this for cropping? No. In order to create this shape, the :before and :after elements are white (the background color), so it would only be effective with a simple background. It's feasible but not ideal.

Answer №2

Unique Solution

If you want to create a solid color background, consider using borders on pseudo elements for a creative effect.

Here's a quick demonstration:

div {
div:before, div:after {
    border-right:300px solid transparent;
    border-top:100px solid white;    
    border-right:300px solid transparent;
    border-bottom:50px solid white;    

New Innovative Solution

Another option is to utilize perspective and rotation techniques (prefixing may be necessary):

    transform:perspective(300px) rotateY(-20deg);
  <img src=""/>

Other Creative Ideas

Additional alternatives to explore:

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