Issues persist while attempting to save sass (.scss) files using Atom on a Mac

When attempting to work with sass files, I encountered an error message every time I tried to save the file:

Command failed: sass "/Users/bechara/Desktop/<path of the file>/test.scss" "/Users/bechara/Desktop/<path of the file>/test.css"
Errno::EROFS: Read-only file system @ dir_s_mkdir - ./.sass-cache
  Use --trace for backtrace.

I have installed the most recent version of node.js and attempted to install node-sass using npm. In Atom, I experimented with packages such as "build-sass", "atom-sass", "sass", and "sass-autocompile".

My operating system is macOS Catalina 10.15.4.

How can this issue be resolved?

Answer №1

To resolve this issue, you can update your config.rb file by adjusting the sass_options to specify a different writable cache location.

sass_options = { :cache_location => '/tmp/sass_cache' }

For more information on dealing with Codekit file permission problems related to a read-only file system and directory creation errors, refer to this helpful answer and this Stack Overflow discussion.

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