Issues arise with table-cell and table-row when implementing a navigation bar using the CSS table-layout property

Looking to create a dynamic navigation bar that adjusts to different screen sizes? On the left side, you want an undetermined number of links, while on the right side there should be a search button.

The challenge is to ensure that all links have equal width, regardless of how many there are, and that the search button is always 50px wide. This responsiveness kicks in when the screen width falls below 768px.

To tackle this, I've employed CSS properties like table-layout: fixed, along with table-cell and table-row, depending on the screen width.

While Firefox and Chrome seem to handle it well, Safari seems to struggle at times, especially when transitioning between wide and narrow screens (elements shifting between table-cells and table-rows).

Any suggestions on how to resolve this issue or improve the design? Could this possibly be a bug specific to Safari 6.0.2?

Check out the JSFiddle Demo:

Answer №1

It seems like using Javascript is unnecessary for this issue.

I simply included a :hover style for the form width and another :hover style for the input, which resolves the problem in Safari. In Safari, hovering over the text input was causing the form to return to a width of 50px (if that was your concern).

#searchform:hover {

#searchform:hover input#s {
display: inline;

You can test my solution on jsfiddle

JS Fiddle

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