Issue with SVG marker not functioning properly when hovered over

I am having an issue with buttons containing SVG elements, here is an example code snippet:

 <ArrowSvg />

The ArrowSvg component looks like this (with the line having a class of "svg-line"):

<svg fill="none" stroke="#000">
    <marker id="m" overflow="visible">
      <path d="M-4,-4L0,0 -4,4" />
  <line x1="0" y1="50%" x2="100%" y2="50%" marker-end="url(#m)" class="svg-line" />

When a button is hovered over, I change the stroke color of the arrow:

btn:hover > .svg-line {
  stroke: blue;

While this functionality works as expected when only one button is present, issues arise when multiple buttons are displayed. Hovering over one button causes all other button arrows to also change color. This seems to affect the arrow head part of all buttons.
I am unable to use paths instead of lines due to the need for adjusting the arrow width. What might I be missing here? Why is this hover effect spreading to other buttons?

Answer №1

Utilize a native JS Web Component, which is compatible with all modern browsers, to generate the <svg>

  • as each SVG necessitates a distinct marker ID

  • please note: an individual SVG is produced for every occurrence, rendering a marker unnecessary; utilize the path on its own

customElements.define("svg-button",class extends HTMLElement{
    let id = "id" + (Math.floor(Math.random() * 1e10));
    let stroke = this.getAttribute("stroke") || "#000";
    this.innerHTML = `
            <svg fill="none" stroke="${stroke}" viewBox="0 0 10 10">
                <marker id="${id}" overflow="visible">
                  <path d="M-4,-4L0,0 -4,4"/>
              <line x1="0" y1="5" x2="9" y2="5" marker-end="url(#${id})"/>
  button:hover svg {

<svg-button stroke="red"></svg-button>
<svg-button stroke="green"></svg-button>
<svg-button stroke="blue"></svg-button>

Answer №2

It seems like the code you are working on resembles .JSX syntax, but there is a missing react tag in the question. I will assume it for this response, although other frameworks utilizing the same format should also perform similarly.

To create a unique id for the <marker> element, simply define the <ArrowSvg> as a function and enclose it in another factory function to generate a closure over an incrementing number:

const ArrowSvg = (() => {
  let id = 0;
  return function (props) {
    return (
      const ref = 'arrowMarker' + ++id;
      <svg fill="none" stroke="#000">
          <marker id=(ref) overflow="visible">
            <path d="M-4,-4L0,0 -4,4" />
        <line x1="0" y1="50%" x2="100%" y2="50%"
              marker-end=(`url(#${ref})`) class="svg-line" />

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