Issue with React-Native FlatList's scrolling functionality

Struggling with implementing a scrolling FlatList in React Native. Despite trying various solutions found on Stack Overflow, such as adjusting flex properties and wrapping elements in views, the list still refuses to scroll.

Snippet of code (issue is within the second FlatList) -

                    <View style = {{ height: '100%' }}>
                        <View style = {{ width: '100%' }}>
                            <AppHeader />
                        <View style = {{ width: '100%'}}>
                            <View style = {{ width: '70%', alignSelf: 'center', flex: 1 }}>
                                        data = {this.getTodayDay()}
                                        renderItem = {this.renderItemDays}
                                        keyExtractor = {this.keyExtractor}
                                        data = {this.getVisibleHours()}
                                        renderItem = {this.renderItem}
                                        keyExtractor = {this.keyExtractor}
                                        scrollEnabled = {true}


this.renderItem -

renderItem = () => {

// irrelevant code

        if( isClass === true ){
                <ListItem bottomDivider = {true} style = {styles.renderItemActiveClass}>

                            onPress = {()=>{
                                this.props.navigation.navigate('ClassDetailsScreen', { "data": classData })
                                <ListItem.Title>{ definiteClassTime }</ListItem.Title>
                                <ListItem.Subtitle>{ classData.class_name }</ListItem.Subtitle>

                <ListItem bottomDivider = {true} style = {styles.renderItemClass} 
                containerStyle = {styles.renderItemContent}>
                        <ListItem.Subtitle>No Class</ListItem.Subtitle>


the StyleSheet -

    renderItemClass: {
        borderColor: 'purple',
        borderWidth: 2

    renderItemActiveClass: {
        borderColor: 'green',
        borderWidth: 2

    renderItemContent: {

Any insights on what might be causing this issue would be greatly appreciated!

Answer №1

Include a height for both flat lists and enclose the second flatlist within a separate view. See below for a sample code snippet:

return (
  <View style={{ height: "100%" }}>
    <View style={{ width: "100%" }}>
      <AppHeader />

    <View style={{ width: "100%" }}>
      <View style={{ width: "70%", alignSelf: "center", flex: 1 }}>
        <View style={{ height: 60, alignSelf: "center" }}>
        <View style={{ height: 60, alignSelf: "center" }}>

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