Issue with non-responsive clicks in scrollable/List view on Android device due to CSS styling

Currently, I am facing an issue with my WebApplication where I have a dynamically generated very Long List using JQuery Mobile. The problem I am encountering is that I am unable to click on any item within this scrollable view. Although I can hear the sound when I click on an item, there is no response. Interestingly, this issue only occurs on Android, as everything works fine on iOS. It appears that the problem is related to the overflow: auto/scroll in css, a known issue since 2009. What's puzzling is that I have no problem with scrolling; it works perfectly fine. However, touch events simply do not respond. Any suggestions?

For reference, I am using Android 4.x, Phonegap 2.4, and JQueryMobile 1.3

Answer №1

Success! After some investigation, I realized that the Parent Div was missing a height attribute.

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