Issue with Material UI Select Box Displaying Selected Option

I'm currently working with the following code snippets:

--- before rendering ---

const fontArray = [
  ["Standard", "Standard"], ["Abril FatFace", "'Abril Fatface', cursive"], 
  ["Alfa Slab One", "'Alfa Slab One', cursive"], 
  ["Chonburi", "'Chonburi', cursive"], ["Comfortaa", "'Comfortaa', cursive"], 
  ["Lobster", "'Lobster', cursive"],   ["Pacfico", "'Pacifico', cursive"]

--- during render ---

<FormControl style={{margin: '10px'}}>
  <InputLabel htmlFor="select-font">Font</InputLabel>
      name: 'font',
      id: 'select-font',
    {, index)=>{
        <MenuItem key={font} value={font}>
          <div style={{fontFamily: `${font[1]}`}}>

In this setup, the current font is stored in the state.

--- How I handle a change in selection ---

  handleFontChange = (event) => {
    this.setState({ font: })

Although it seems to be almost functional, clicking on the select box shows an empty dropdown despite having valid data in the state:

What could potentially be causing this issue? Could it be related to how material-ui processes styled text inputs?

Solution Update:

The solution by replacing

<MenuItem key={font} value={font}>


<MenuItem key={font} value={font[0]}>

seems to resolve the display issue but causes confusion with state handling. Attempting to address this through the handle function:

handleFontChange = (event, fontArray, stateData) => {
    let newFont = fontArray.filter(i=>{
        return i
    this.setState({ font: newFont })

However, this adjustment still doesn't fully resolve the select box issue. Further refinement may be required for a complete resolution.

Further modifications provided by another solution:

renderValue = (value) => {
      <div style={{fontFamily: `${value[1]}`}}>


renderValue={() => this.renderValue(this.state.font)}

result in...

Answer №1

If you are looking for a solution, consider using renderValue.

renderValue = (value) => {
    return value && value[0];

within the render method

    <FormControl style={{margin: 10}}>
       <InputLabel htmlFor="select-font">Font</InputLabel>
          renderValue={() => this.renderValue(this.state.font)}
          onChange={evt => this.handleFontChange(evt)}
            name: "font",
            id: "select-font"
        {, index) => {
        return (
         <MenuItem key={index} value={font}>
          <div style={{fontFamily: `${font[1]}`}}>

Answer №2

value={this.state.font?this.state.font :defaultvlue}
renderValue={() => this.renderValue(this.state.font)}

Utilize the ternary operator to display either the data or a default value if no data is present.

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