Issue with Jquery's Child Selector not functioning without any apparent cause

My goal is to display or hide the child class when the parent is hovered. I have multiple classes set up, similar to what is discussed in Jquery $(this) Child Selector.

Unfortunately, for some mysterious reason, it is not working.

This is what I currently have:

<div class="parentitem">
    <div class="childitem">

In addition:

$("div.childitem").css({visibility: "hidden"});

    $("div.childitem").css({visibility: "visible"});

    $("div.childitem").css({visibility: "hidden"});

This setup works, but it affects all the children. What I really want is to target a specific div and its child only.

I have attempted several methods, like:

$(this).children("div.childitem").css({visibility: "visible"});

$(this).parent().children("div.childitem").css({visibility: "visible"});

$(this).next("div.childitem").css({visibility: "visible"});

Unfortunately, none of these approaches seem to be working for me.

If anyone can help me troubleshoot where I might have gone wrong, I would greatly appreciate it.

Thank you,


Answer №1

Give this a shot:

$("div.childitem").css({display: "none"});

    $(this).find('.childitem').css({display: 'block'});

    $(this).find('.childitem').css({display: 'none'});

Check out the demo on JS Fiddle.

Answer №2

Consider using $(this).find("div.childitem") in place of


The difference is that children() only selects immediate children, while find() searches through all descendant elements.

If this solution doesn't work, it may be helpful to analyze the sequence in which event handlers are triggered. It's possible that the mouseenter event is being overridden by another handler.

You can use Chrome or Firebug in Firefox to log messages to the console. In Chrome, you can use console.log(text_or_object) for this purpose.

Answer №3

Here's the solution you're looking for:

    $(this).find("div.nesteditem").css({display: "block"});

Answer №4

To accurately target the context, utilize $(this) as the selector like so:


An alternative solution may exist for a more polished approach...

Answer №5

Check out this cool link:

I recently updated a code snippet to support multiple content sections, where the child element of the parent being hovered over is toggled between hidden and visible states.

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