Issue with IE7 causing div elements to slide off the screen on specific WordPress pages

Encountering a strange IE7 bug on two pages of a WordPress site I'm currently developing.

Some divs are shifting to odd positions, with one completely off the screen: and another here:

Additionally, possibly related or not, the "created by" link in the footer has also become jumbled up.

To investigate the issue, I added a red border to the problematic elements within IE7. Strangely enough, the border appears in the correct position, but the content isn't contained within it. Any insights on what might be causing this peculiar behavior?..

Thank you in advance :)

Answer №1

Internet Explorer 7 does not support the new html5 tags such as article. To fix this issue, add the following code snippet to the head section of your html:

<!--[if lt IE 9]>
<script src="//"></script>

=== UPDATE ===

There is a problem with the dir="rtl" attribute in Internet Explorer 7. Can you please remove it?

Answer №2

Great news! I received a helpful solution to the problem: it turns out that some of the css in wordpress included "position:relative;" in the article.

After removing that, the issue was resolved... :)

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