Issue with Bootstrap 3 grid and features not displaying correctly on IE11/Windows 8 platform

Link to the current page I am working on:

The design of the page looks great when viewed in Firefox and Chrome.

Please review the layout on Internet Explorer 11 when viewing on a desktop or laptop at full screen width. I am currently using Windows 8, but I believe that should not affect how it appears in this case. The same issue is also seen in Windows using Safari, even though Bootstrap does not officially support this browser.

Here are the scripts I have included:

<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

However, despite my efforts, the issue persists. I have systematically tested each JavaScript and CSS script by removing them one at a time, yet the problem remains unresolved.

Answer №1

Oh dear! I must confess, it was a simple oversight on my end.

I just realized that one of my media queries was actually missing a closing bracket!!!

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