issue with a non-functional sticky sidebar within a Tailwind post

I am trying to create a layout similar to this website. One of the key features I want to replicate is the sidebar that follows you as you scroll.

Here is the code I have, but unfortunately, I can't seem to get it to work:

    <div class="blog-post">
        <div class="wrapper">
            <aside class="sidebar">
                <div class="sidebar-wrapper">
                    <!--- Content -->

            <main class="main-post">
                <!--- Content -->

<style lang="postcss" scoped>
.blog-post {
    @apply container;
    .wrapper {
        @apply flex gap-x-10 mt-10;
        .sidebar {
            @apply relative h-screen w-3/12 col-span-3 justify-center;
            &-wrapper {
                @apply h-full space-y-4;

        .main-post {
            @apply w-9/12 space-y-4;

Visually, this is how it currently appears:

The pink div should extend all the way down when scrolling, but for some reason, it does not behave as expected.

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