Vuetify's v-badge showcasing an exceptionally large number in style

Encountering an issue with using v-badge and v-tab when dealing with large numbers in a v-badge.

Managed to find a CSS workaround by setting width: auto; for adjusting the size of v-badge to accommodate huge numbers, but now facing an overlap with my v-tab content due to expansion in the wrong direction.

Seeking advice on how to prevent my v-badge content from overlapping my v-tab content?

Link to CodePen


<div id= "app">
  <v-app id= "inspire">
    <v-tabs fixed-tabs>
        v-for= "n in 3"
        :key= "n"
        <v-badge color= "secondary">
          <span slot= "badge"> 15000 </span>


  border-radius: 12px;
  padding: 5px 10px;
  margin-left: 20px


new Vue({
  el: '#app'  

Answer №1

Is there a particular reason you are using the v-badge in this scenario? It seems that the v-badge may not be the most suitable option for your needs, as it comes with fixed dimensions. Have you thought about utilizing a v-chip instead? From what I can tell, the v-chip aligns better with your requirements.

If you still want to proceed with the v-badge, you could implement a workaround by inserting an icon between the number and text for proper alignment:

<v-badge left color="secondary">
    <span slot="badge"> 15000 </span>
    <span slot="default">Test</span>
    <v-icon large color="grey lighten-1" >&nbsp;</v-icon>

Check out this example on CodePen

An alternative approach would be to use the v-chip component, which might offer a more suitable solution:

<v-chip color="grey"> 1500000 </v-chip>

CodePen example demonstrating v-badge

I hope this information proves helpful! Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or concerns.

Answer №2

Here is a simple CSS code to create a badge:

.myBadge {
  background-color: lightgrey; 
  border-radius: 90px; 
  height: 20px;
  font-weight: bold;
  min-width: 20px;
  color: white; 
  margin-left: 8px; 
  padding: .5px 3px .5px 3px; 
  text-align: center; 
  vertical-align: middle;

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