Issue: Stylesheet not being loaded on Index.html through Gulp


The .css file is not being loaded by the index.html despite setting up a gulp.js file. It seems like the folder directory might be causing the problem. However, the .scss files in the /src/scss folder are compiling correctly into CSS within the /build/css directory.


I want the index.html file to properly load the CSS files and be visible within the Firefox style editor.

Directory Structure

Sample HTML

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

Gulp.js Configuration

// const gulp = require('gulp');

Current Issues

The Firefox console displays the error:

The resource from “http://localhost:3000/build/css/styles.css” was blocked due to MIME type (“text/html”) mismatch (X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff)

Changing rel="stylesheet" to type="text/css" removes the error but doesn't solve the issue of the CSS file not loading.

Answer №1

In HTML5, it is not necessary to use the "type" attribute in the "link" element.

Instead, you should utilize the "rel" attribute, which stands for Relationship. This attribute specifies the relationship between the linked file and the HTML document. To make your link tag function properly, simply update it as follows:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="../build/css/styles.css" />

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