Issue encountered while determining the specificity of a CSS selector involving pseudo-classes

As I delved into a tutorial on MDN, an intriguing code snippet caught my attention:

/* weight: 0015 */
div div li:nth-child(2) a:hover {
  border: 10px solid black;

An unanswered question lingers in my mind: Why does this rule's specificity display as 0015 instead of the anticipated 0024?

Ruminating on the matter, I counted 2 pseudo-classes selectors (:nth-child(2) and :hover) along with 4 element selectors (div, div, li, and a). By my calculations, the specificity should total 0024.

Yet doubts persist. Where might I have miscalculated?

Answer №1

It seems that the example contained an error, but fortunately it has been rectified now. You can refer to the updated version here.

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