Is there any event triggered when the src attribute of an image is modified?

I am currently working on a project where I am dealing with images of different sizes, and my goal is to adjust the parent div size based on the height of the new image.

Within my code, I have set inner, viewOne, and viewTwo as global variables. Here is a snippet of my code:

  viewOne.src = 'path/to/newImage.png';
  viewTwo.src = 'path/to/otherImage.png';

  inner = document.getElementById('innerWindow'); // Parent Div
  viewOne = document.getElementById('viewImgOne'); // Image Object
  viewTwo = document.getElementById('viewImgTwo'); // Image Object

  if(viewOne.clientHeight >= viewTwo.clientHeight) { = viewOne.clientHeight + "px";
  } else { = viewTwo.clientHeight + "px";

However, there seems to be an issue with the parent div not always resizing correctly after changing the image paths, resulting in extra pixels at the bottom of the div that are not needed.

In addition, I have implemented a window.onresize function to handle resizing the div when the browser window changes, which is functioning properly.

My question is: Is there a way to monitor the src attribute and trigger the resize function only after the images have fully loaded?

Answer №1

To effectively tackle this issue, one strategy is to attach the .load event to all images so you can monitor when an image has completed loading after a src change. It's uncertain if there exists a more straightforward method to detect src changes directly. However, in order for this approach to work seamlessly, it's crucial to bind .load before any modifications are made to the image element's .src attribute.

If you're programmatically generating the image elements, this shouldn't pose a problem. Similarly, if you're recycling the same image tags multiple times, this should not be an impediment (with the exception of the initial load on page load, but that likely isn't a major concern).

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