Is there a workaround available for setting the font-family to inherit in Internet Explorer 7?

I'm using a CSS class called "text_css" where I want to apply the inherit property. It's working correctly in IE8 and IE9, but I'm aware that it doesn't work in IE7.

Does anyone have any suggestions for a workaround?

Answer №1

In order to work around this issue, it is recommended to define the property with a specific value that should be inherited. The feasibility of this approach will vary depending on the situation at hand.

For instance, if you wish for input elements to share the same font family as the surrounding text, you can utilize input { font-family: inherit; }, although please note that this may not function correctly in IE7 (a potential major drawback). In most cases, however, individuals prefer to establish an overall font family setting, such as

body, input { font-family: Calibri, sans-serif; }

If you require further recommendations, it would be beneficial to provide additional details regarding the context and purpose behind utilizing the inherit value. This particular value is seldom necessary in practice.

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