Is there a way to verify and send notifications when duplicate entries are added to my table?

Whenever a make and model are added using the "add" button, I need to ensure that there are no duplicates. If a duplicate is found, an alert should be displayed, and the entry should not be added to the table. Unfortunately, I have been unable to find a solution for this issue...

Below is the complete code for the beginner project I am currently working on. I apologize in advance if this post is unclear, as this is my first time posting here. Thank you all for your help.

    <div>Make: <input type="text" ng-model="make"></div>
    <div>Model:<input type="text" ng-model="model"></div>
    <button ng-click="add()">Add</button>

    <tr ng-repeat="car in cars" ng-click="rowClick(car)">

  <table class="table carsTable">
    <tr ng-repeat="car in cars" ng-click="rowClick(car)">

var carsApp = angular.module('carsApp', []);

carsApp.controller('carController', function ($scope){

    $ = [];

    $scope.add = function () {
        // Check for duplicates
        var isDuplicate = false;
            if (item.make === $scope.make && item.model === $scope.model) {
                isDuplicate = true;

        } else {
                make: $scope.make,
                model: $scope.model
            $scope.make = null;
            $scope.model = null;

    $scope.rowClick = function(car){
        $scope.make = car.make;
        $scope.model = car.model;

    $scope.alert = function(){
        alert('Already exists in table');

Answer №1

To identify duplicate entries in your array, you need to compare each car object based on its make and model properties. One way to achieve this is by utilizing the Array.some method, which returns a boolean value indicating whether any element in the array meets the specified condition:

Within your add function:

var hasDuplicates = $ => car.make == $scope.make && car.model == $scope.model);

if (hasDuplicates) {
    alert("Car already exists");
} else {
       make: $scope.make,
       model: $scope.model

If you are unable to use arrow functions, you can achieve the same result using a traditional function declaration like this:

var hasDuplicates = $ {
    return car.make == $scope.make && car.model == $scope.model;

Answer №2

 $scope.addToGarage = function () {
    let carToAdd = {
       manufacturer: $scope.manufacturer,
       model: $scope.model

    let hasAlreadyAdded = $scope.garage.some((car) => angular.equals(car, carToAdd ));
    if (hasAlreadyAdded) {
        return false;

    $scope.manufacturer = null;
    $scope.model = null;


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