Is there a way to update the content of both spans within a button component that is styled using styled-components in React?

I am interested in creating a unique button component using HTML code like the following:

<button class="button_57" role="button">
   <span class="text">Button</span>
   <span>Alternate text</span>

My goal is to have the ability to use a single Button component built with React.

<CustomButton {...otherProps}>{children}</CustomButton>

Is there a way to modify the content within the spans of the Button component using props, similar to this?

<Button span_content1={''} span_content2={''}></Button>

So far, I have only discovered that passing spans as children seems to work.

   <span class='text'>Button</span>
   <span>Alternate text</span>

Answer №1

When working with React, we have the ability to design a custom component like the one shown below:

function CustomButton({ text1, text2}) {
         <span class='text'>{text1}</span>

Once the component is created, it can be used in this manner:

<CustomButton text1="Click me" text2="More info" />

To customize the content displayed by the button, simply replace the values of text1 and text2.

Answer №2

import styled from 'styled-components';

// Create a custom button using styled-components
const CustomButton = styled.button`
  // Add your styles here

const Button = ({ span_content1, span_content2, ...props }) => (
  <CustomButton {...props}>

// Implement the Button component with customizable content in two spans
<Button span_content1="Button" span_content2="Alternate text" />

This Button component allows for customization of two content spans (span_content1 and span_content2) as props, while passing other props to the CustomButton component.

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