Is there a way to update the button's value upon clicking it?

I've hit a roadblock in my tic tac toe game project during class, and I've been struggling for the past two days to get the X's and O's to show up. The deadline for this assignment is tomorrow! Here are the task requirements:

COMPSCI20: Tic Tac Toe Assignment

Create an HTML file that includes the following elements:

  • a page title and a link to a CSS file
  • a header division (with an ID) containing text
  • a main division (with an ID) with a 3x3 table of clickable buttons (each button having IDs and classes)
  • a footer division (with an ID) containing text Title + Links  Main + Table  Header  Footer 

The CSS file should style the content as follows:

  • define font, background color, text alignment, and padding for the header
  • set the background color and padding for the main division
  • buttons should have defined height, width, font, background color, and border properties
  • customize the font, background color, text alignment, and padding for the footer

Create a JavaScript file that includes two global variables: one to store the player turn (X or O) and another to store the winner. The JS file should contain the following functions:

  • a Start() function that initializes the player turn as X and the winner as null
  • a ChooseSquare() function that assigns the appropriate letter to the clicked button, disables it, and switches to the other player’s turn
  • a CheckWin() function that checks for each possible winning combination and displays a message in the footer if a player has won

This is the JavaScript code I have so far:

var winner;
var current;

function Start() {
  current = "x";

... (remaining script omitted for brevity)


Answer №1

Checking if the "button1" is clicked using document.getElementById("button1").onclick
is not the correct way. This code snippet only checks if the onclick property has any value, which it does because it contains the value of onclick="ChooseSquare()" attribute.

To rectify this issue, you should modify the function to take a parameter. By passing this as an argument to the function, it can be used to update the button that the user clicked on.

Additionally, in the CheckWin() function, you need to retrieve the values of the buttons, and the IDs should be assigned to the <button> elements instead of the <td>s.

In the reset() function, there was a usage of variables like one, two, etc., which were local to the CheckWin function. I have revised it to iterate over all elements with class="button".

var winner;
var current;

function Start() {
  current = "x";

function ChooseSquare(button) {
  button.value = current;
  current = (current == "x") ? "o" : "x";
  button.disabled = true; // Prevent clicking button twice

function CheckWin() {
  var one = document.getElementById("button1").value;
  var two = document.getElementById("button2").value;
  var three = document.getElementById("button3").value;
  var four = document.getElementById("button4").value;
  var five = document.getElementById("button5").value;
  var six = document.getElementById("button6").value;
  var seven = document.getElementById("button7").value;
  var eight = document.getElementById("button8").value;
  var nine = document.getElementById("button9").value;
  //x wins
  if (one == "x" && two == "x" && three == "x") {
    window.alert("player1 has won")
  if (one == "x" && four == "x" && seven == "x") {
    window.alert("player1 has won")
  if (one == "x" && five == "x" && nine == "x") {
    window.alert("player1 has won")
  // Additional x win conditions...
  //o wins
  if (one == "o" && two == "o" && three == "o") {
    window.alert("player2 has won")
  // Additional o win conditions...

function reset() {
  Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(".button")).forEach(b => {
    b.value = " ";
    b.disabled = false;
#Header {
  background-color: Red;
  color: white;
  text-align: center;
  font-family: Acme, Arial, sans-serif;
  padding: 5px;

#Main {
  margin-left: 200px;
  margin-right: 100px;
  padding: 0px;
  background-color: white;
/* Additional CSS rules... */

Answer №2

I simply can't resist...

const main    = document.querySelector('#Main')
  ,   All_bt  = document.querySelectorAll('#Main > button')
  ,   btReset = document.querySelector('#bt-reset')
var current = 0
  , players = [ { cod: 'x', case: [ ] } 
              , { cod: 'o', case: [ ] } 
  if ( !== 'button') return; = players[current].cod; = true

// check win...
    let Win = false
      , Kaz = []
      Kaz = players[current].case.filter(K=>Number(K.charAt(0))===i)
      if (Kaz.length===3) { Win=true; break }
      Kaz = players[current].case.filter(K=>Number(K.charAt(2))===i)
      if (Kaz.length===3) { Win=true; break }
    if (!Win)
      Kaz = players[current].case.filter(K=>K==='1-1' || K==='2-2' || K==='3-3')
      Win = (Kaz.length===3)
    if (!Win)
      Kaz = players[current].case.filter(K=>K==='1-3' || K==='2-2' || K==='3-1')
      Win = (Kaz.length===3)
   // console.log(Win)

    if (Win)
        if ( Kaz.includes(  ))
          { bt.className='Win' }
  current = ++current %2

  current = 0
  players[0].case.length = 0
  players[1].case.length = 0
  All_bt.forEach(bt=>{ bt.disabled=false; bt.textContent = '\u00a0'; bt.className='' })
#Main {
  display: block;
  --bt-size : 50px;
#Main > button {
  display: inline-block;
  width: var(--bt-size);
  height: var(--bt-size);
  margin: 2px;
  font-size: 30px;
  font-weight: bold;
  text-align: center;
  padding: 0;
.Win {
  background-color: turquoise;
#bt-reset { margin: 1em;}
<div id="Main">
  <button id="bt-1-1">&nbsp;</button>
  <button id="bt-1-2">&nbsp;</button>
  <button id="bt-1-3">&nbsp;</button>
  <button id="bt-2-1">&nbsp;</button>
  <button id="bt-2-2">&nbsp;</button>
  <button id="bt-2-3">&nbsp;</button>
  <button id="bt-3-1">&nbsp;</button>
  <button id="bt-3-2">&nbsp;</button>
  <button id="bt-3-3">&nbsp;</button>

<button id="bt-reset">reset</button>

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