hierarchical browsing system

Take a look at the image provided below.

Currently, I am using multiple unordered lists - specifically 5. However, I would prefer to consolidate them all into a single nested ul.

I am encountering two issues:

  1. How can I add a border-bottom to the horizontal menu when the sub menu is nested within it?

  2. The sub menu consists of 4 separate ul's. Is there a way to achieve 4 columns with just one ul? Keep in mind that some menu items may span multiple lines.

If you can solve either of these problems, I owe you a pint of beer :)

View the image here

Answer №1

Without seeing your code, it's hard to know if this solution will work for you, but give it a try: http://jsfiddle.net/Djpsf/1/

  1. Make sure to consider the height of the submenus when setting the bottom margin on #main.
  2. Although possible, rearranging and adding empty items to the submenu makes the process more complicated.

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