Is there a way to superimpose multiple PNGs and ensure that each one is clickable within its designated area?

I am looking to implement a interactive image system for dynamically generated content. The image includes a background image and various grey-scale mask images.

Background Image:


Each masked area should be highlighted on mouseover, clickable, and link to a specific page.

What is the most efficient way to achieve this? It needs to be responsive and work with a large number of masks.

I have researched two potential solutions so far:

A. Trace the masks and create imagemap coordinates for each one to overlay on the original image (although challenging, especially with complex masks).

B. Layer all masks on top of each other and search for white pixels when interacting with the image (potentially processor intensive with hundreds of images).

Are there any other simpler, more optimized, or elegant solutions that I may not have considered?

Any suggestions?

I would appreciate hearing from anyone who has experience with similar projects.

Answer №1

To optimize performance, it is recommended to precalculate as much of this data as possible since downloading numerous mask images in the user's browser may not be practical.

Solution A appears promising, assuming that deriving coordinates from the pixel shapes is a feasible task.

Another approach could involve consolidating the mask images into a single image by assigning unique colors to each shape. These colors can be randomly assigned as long as each one is used only once. Additionally, provide a straightforward lookup table for translating colors to specific shapes (e.g.

#f00 => cube, #0f0 => donut, ...
). Upon clicking on the original image:

  1. Determine the pixel coordinate of the click
  2. Locate the color in the mask image at that particular coordinate
  3. Use the lookup table to identify the corresponding shape for the color

Answer №2

Initially, it's important to note that even with a large number of masks, the algorithm in use should not cause slowness as it operates at O(n) complexity, which is efficient.

The main bottleneck to consider is the pixel lookup process, which can be resource-intensive unless certain optimizations are made.

In this scenario, I would recommend option B.

For example, if your mouse coordinates are x: 400, y: 300 on an 800x600 background image, you can iterate through all masks and validate:

- Is the pixel at (400, 300) white?

If so, apply the mask by blending it onto the original image with a specific alpha value to gray out the background.

The critical task here is fetching the pixels using mask.getPixel(). This operation needs to be performed for each individual mask if it's the last one in the sequence.

To optimize this process, consider implementing bounding boxes to reduce unnecessary lookups.

By establishing bounding boxes during the loading phase, you can determine the minimum and maximum X & Y coordinates enclosing the white area within each mask. This allows you to skip lookups when the mouse coordinates fall outside these boundaries.

Additionally, a sample implementation has been created for reference:
Check it out.

//preProcessMasks() & trackMouse() handle the core functionalities

Ensure that the background image "img.jpg" and masks "1.jpg" through "5.jpg" are stored in the same directory. Please note that while Firefox supports this script, Chrome may raise warnings about cross-origin data issues due to its quick-and-dirty nature. Feel free to customize it based on your requirements!

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