Is there a way to set it up so that clicking on a small image will automatically switch to the corresponding larger size image?

For instance, I have 4 small images and 1 main image. When I click on a small image, the main image changes to display that selected picture.

I was wondering if there is a specific value to place inside target=""?

I prefer to only use HTML/CSS as I am not very familiar with other programming languages, but any solution would be appreciated. I have searched extensively for an answer without luck.

Answer №1

Here are a couple of potential ways to approach this issue:

  1. Utilize pure HTML by using an <iframe> with a designated name for the larger image, and inserting the thumbnail images in <a> tags with the appropriate target and href attributes.

  2. Explore a purely CSS solution where all 4 pictures are included but hidden with display: none, then displayed as block elements within a specific style rule using the :target pseudo class, assigning each a unique id. Link the thumbnail images to their corresponding full-size versions using href=#id.

Additionally, options involving Javascript or jQuery can also be considered for resolving this matter.

Answer №2

Looking for the solution you seek? Dive into this comprehensive guide, complete with straightforward JavaScript instructions.

Image Swap Tutorial

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