Is there a way to remove the initial number entered on a calculator's display in order to prevent the second number from being added onto the first one?

I am currently in the process of developing a calculator using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. However, I have encountered an issue with my code. After a user inputs a number and then clicks on an operator, the operator remains highlighted until the user inputs a second number. The problem arises when the user enters the second number, as it gets concatenated to the first number instead of replacing it. How can I go about solving this issue? I would like the display to clear the previous number once the user starts inputting the second number.

While I have an idea of how to address this in pseudo code, I am uncertain if it is possible to implement this by pausing an element using JavaScript:

To achieve the desired behavior:

1. After the operator is clicked, pause the display for the user while clearing everything from the display behind-the-scenes. 2. When the user clicks on a digit, resume displaying everything to the user. By following this approach, the first number will still remain visible to the user when the operator is highlighted. Once the user begins entering the second number, only the second number should be displayed.

I aim to create functionality similar to the example found at: . In this sample scenario, the number displayed on the screen does not disappear after clicking an operator. Rather, it clears once a digit is selected post-operator click, showcasing the current number being entered.

// Rest of the content removed for brevity

Answer №1

Upon entering the second number, ensure that the display is cleared of the previous number and begins showing the user's new input.

To achieve this, simply keep track of when an operator button is clicked in order to respond correctly when the next number button is pressed.

Set a variable (such as clearDisplay) to true after any operator button is clicked.
Then, when a number button is clicked, check if the flag is true and if so, clear the display before setting the flag back to false.

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