Is there a way to remove any excess white space towards the top?

Hello once again, I've reached a frustrating point in my learning journey. There seems to be extra space at the top with every browser see image here. I tried using body {overflow:auto;} in the CSS but it only worked up to a certain extent, getting rid of the extra space on the right but not at the top. Resetting margins and paddings in the CSS didn't help either. Additionally, the cover image is not appearing for some reason. Any suggestions or advice?

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Answer №1

To fix the issue, delete the .col class from

<div class="col span-1-of-2 bg">
on line 26.

Modifying the .col style in the css file may impact other elements in your document since you have also applied this class elsewhere.

Answer №2

The issue with the excess spacing is originating from the styling in Grid.css under the .col class. Within the .col class, the following code is present:

.col {
      display: block;
      margin: 1% 0 1% 1.6%;

To resolve this issue, one possible solution is to either eliminate or modify the margin property within the .col class. This adjustment can be made dynamically using JavaScript if needed.

Answer №3

The main cause of the additional space at the top is the presence of the div with the class within the header. This excessive space can be eliminated by adjusting the margin.

html, body {
    overflow: initial;

header {
    margin-top: 0;

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