Is there a way to prevent the window.status from appearing?

I currently have the following code snippet:

<a  class="button accessLink"

along with this jQuery function:

    .mouseover(function() {
        window.status = '';

But despite having the mouseover event, I am still seeing

<my ip address>/#

Is there an alternative method to prevent this display at the bottom of the browser window?

Answer №1

Instead of using an anchor tag, why not handle the click event of a span or div element in jQuery? By doing a location.href to the link specified in the element's data-href, nothing will appear in the status bar.

Answer №2

window.status is typically disabled by default in modern browsers to prevent malicious websites from impersonating trusted entities.

$('#bad-link').mouseover(function() {
    window.status = '';
<a href="" id="bad-link">Click here</a>

It's also important to note that many browsers no longer display the status bar at all!

Answer №3

Give this a try:

provide the href attribute with "javascript:"

<a  class="button accessLink"

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