Is there a way to potentially utilize to open a specific section of a webpage?

My HTML page consists of 2 div blocks and 2 links. I want to open the content of the first div in a new window when the first link is clicked, and the content of the second div in another new window when the second link is clicked.

You can find the code here -

I know it seems impossible, but if there's a workaround, please let me know. Thank you!

Answer №1

function printWebpage(divId)

var contentToPrint = document.getElementById(elementIdentifier);

var urlForWindow = 'about:blank';

var uniqueTitle = new Date();

var windowTitle = 'Print' + uniqueTitle.getTime();

var printerWindow =, windowTitle,'left=500,top=500,width=500,height=500');



Test the code above by triggering the function onclick event

Answer №2

To implement this solution, simply create a new page containing the contents of div1 and div2, then execute your script to display each page accordingly. Utilize iframes to fetch content from external files for both div1 and div2.

By following this approach, you can effectively manage and display multiple div elements on separate pages with ease.

Have you tried using this method before?

Answer №3

Give this code a try:

This code may not work smoothly on jsfiddle, but it should run seamlessly with the actual code because of certain limitations.

Answer №4

I haven't personally tested this method, but you could potentially link to another section on a webpage using:"index.html#second");

In addition, ensuring that other divs with IDs not equal to #second are hidden should function properly.

Answer №5

To have separate HTML files for div1 and div2, follow the steps below:


    <div id="first">
    Contents of First Div.


    <div id="second">
    Contents of Second Div.


    <a id="link1" href="'window1.html')">Open div 1</a><br />
    <a id="link2" href="'window2.html')">Open div 2</a>

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