Is there a way to override the padding of a container?

Working with Wordpress for the first time has been quite a challenge. Adjusting to everything is causing me some major headaches.

So, I've got this container div and added a lazy 10px padding. However, for the theme I'm attempting to develop, I need a few divs that span the entire container without inheriting the padding.

Take a look at this picture example:

Is there a clever workaround to override the container div's settings for this specific section and eliminate the padding?

Answer №1

To make divs stretch across the full container, you can use negative margins like this:

div { margin-right: -20px; margin-left: -20px; }

Answer №2

Utilizing negative margins can be quite beneficial in this scenario.

    margin: 0 -10px;

Check out the fiddle here

Answer №3

Experiment with applying a negative margin to the inner div element.

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