Is there a way to modify the height and width of a div layer?

How can I adjust the height and width of the layer on the card? Also, I want only the close button to be clickable and everything else to be unclickable. Can anyone help me find a solution?

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Answer №1

The 'x' close button is not functioning. Why is that?

To fix this issue, adjust the z-index of the child div modal-content to 0 and add dimensions height and width to it.

 <div class="" style="padding: 44% 50%;opacity: 60%;position: absolute;background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.7);align-items: center;z-index: 0;width:100%;height:100%;">

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If you prefer to remove the overlay in the modal background, simply delete the opacity and padding.

 <div class="" style="position: absolute;background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.7);align-items: center;z-index: 0;">


Answer №2

Did this meet your expectations? The modal will only close if you click on the "X" at the top.

To prevent the modal from closing via the keyboard or clicking outside of it, we need to add the following attributes to our modal div:

data-keyboard="false" data-backdrop="static"

Using Overlay

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No Overlay

If you prefer not to have any overlay, you can use the following code:

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