Is there a way to minimize the spacing between the list item numbers and their respective content?

Is there a way to reduce the spacing between the ordinals and the content? For example, I would like to change from:

1.  foo


1. foo

If so, how can I achieve this?


Answer №1

You have the ability to accomplish this using a span element

  <li><span style="margin-left: -10px">near</span></li>

An alternative approach would be:

  <li style="text-indent: -5px">near</li>

Answer №2

To achieve this, use list-style-position:inside;

Answer №3

One way to adjust the space is by using padding-left to increase it, but decreasing the space may require a different approach.

You might consider a workaround like enclosing the content of each list item in a div or span tag and applying a negative margin-left to achieve the desired effect.

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