Is there a way to incorporate a JavaScript variable as the value for CSS width?

I created a scholarship donation progress bar that dynamically adjusts its width based on the amount donated. While I used CSS to handle the basic functionality, I am now trying to implement JavaScript for more advanced features. My goal is to calculate an integer value based on different ranges of donation amounts, which will then be used in an equation to determine the pixel width of the progress bar. Here is my current code snippet where I have attempted to achieve this, but it only displays the last calculated number. Any help with refining the logic would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

    var amount = 1163; //example amount
    var x = 0;

    if (0 < amount < 500) {
        x = 0;
    } if (500 < amount < 1000) {
        x = 1;
    } if (1000 < amount < 1500) {
        x = 2;
    } if (1500 < amount < 2000) {
        x = 3;
    } if (2000 < amount < 2500) {
        x = 4;
    } if (2500 < amount < 3000) {
        x = 5;

Answer №1

In the realm of javascript, comparisons don't function in that manner. It is imperative to explicitly define each logical comparison using ANDs and/or ORS.

if (0 < amount && amount < 500) { ... } // or x < 500 whichever logical course

Following operator precedence, this translates to (0 < 1163 < 500)

Subsequently, this simplifies to (true < 500) Given that 1 == true, all of these evaluations result in true, hence x will consistently be 5.

Answer №2

To achieve the desired outcome, it is recommended to steer clear of logical tests and focus on optimizing your code. Consider the following approach:

Answer №3

Take a look at this amazing code snippet:

var amount = 1163; //example amount
var x = 0;

if (0 < amount && amount < 500) {
    x = 0;
} if (500 < amount && amount < 1000) {
    x = 1;
} if (1000 < amount && amount < 1500) {
    x = 2;
} if (1500 < amount && amount < 2000) {
    x = 3;
} if (2000 < amount && amount < 2500) {
    x = 4;
} if (2500 < amount && amount < 3000) {
    x = 5;

Answer №4

If you want to adjust the size of an element without touching the CSS, you have the option to alter it through JavaScript.

let newWidth = 300;
document.getElementById("bar").style.width = newWidth + "px";

(assuming the id of the target element is called "bar" and the desired width in pixels is stored in the variable newWidth).

Answer №5

Only proceed when you are within the specified range. If it is below a certain number, it cannot exceed that limit.

function determineValue(val) {
if(val < 500) return 0;
if(val < 1000) return 1;
if(val < 1500) return 2;

var result = getValue(1235)

//output: 2

Answer №6

To start, it is essential to use logical operators for matching purposes, such as x>0 && x<=50

For example, in HTML:

<div id="foo">....</div>


#foo { width: 100px; }

You can modify it using JavaScript by:

document.getElementById('foo').style.width = "500px";


document.getElementById('foo').style.width = x + "px";

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