Is there a way to include a tag as an argument in a scss mixin?

Currently, I am working on a mixin that will target a specific child element within a parent. For instance, my goal is to target all <a> tags within a parent element that also has a parent of section---blue.

I initially thought that passing the tag as an argument would work, but unfortunately, I haven't achieved the desired outcome.


@mixin themeParent ($child) {
    &--blue $child {
        color: getColour("theme", "bluehighlight");

    &--green $child {
        color: getColour("theme", "greenhighlight");

    &--purple $child {
        color: getColour("theme", "purplehighlight");

.section {
 @include themeParent(a);

My expectation was that this code snippet would compile to:

.section--blue a {
color: blue;


If anyone can help me understand why it does not work as expected, I would greatly appreciate it.

Answer №1

@mixin themeParent ($child) {
    &--blue #{$child} {
        color: blue;

resulting in:

.section--blue a { color: blue; }

If you need more specificity, just include another &:

@mixin themeParent ($child) {
    &#{&}--blue #{$child} {
        color: blue;

resulting in:

.section.section--blue a { color: blue; }

If you want greater scalability, iterate through the desired colors:

@mixin themeParent ($child) {
  $colors: red, blue, green;
  @each $color in $colors {
    &#{&}--#{$color} #{$child} {
        color: $color;

Answer №2

Insert $child into #{$child}.

@mixin themeParent ($child) {
    #{$child} {
        color: #000;

.section {
    @include themeParent(a)


.section a {
  color: #000;

Answer №3

Simply put, there is no need to include the tag as a parameter in the mixin function. Instead, pass the color of the element.

<div className="section--blue">
                    <a>section blue</a>

<div className="section-green">
           <a>section green</a>        

Mixins and CSS

@mixin themeParent ($color) {
    &--blue {
            @include themeParent(blue);
            @include themeParent(green);

I hope you find this information helpful.

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