Is there a way to enable scrolling on a page without editing the HTML? I have a table inside a div that is overflowing, and I want the page to scroll,

I'm facing an issue with a DIV that is 600px wide and contains a table. Due to long email addresses, the wrapping isn't working properly even after using word-wrap: break-word.

I've experimented with changing the width, adding !important, adjusting float values, but none of these solutions have worked so far.

The problem is illustrated in the screenshot provided - there is no option to scroll to the right on the page. This poses a challenge for my clients with low screen resolution who need access to all options on the right-hand side without any scrolling function available.

If anyone has suggestions or solutions, I would greatly appreciate your help. Attached is the screenshot with private information removed :)

Answer №1

To ensure proper scrolling, apply the CSS rule overflow: auto to a DIV with a width of 600 pixels.

Answer №2

What exactly is your desired outcome? Would you like to activate a scroll bar?

You can achieve this by adjusting the style property of the div element.


Answer №3

To resolve the issue of overflowing content in a table, you can try adjusting the table-layout attribute for the table and setting overflow-hidden for the td elements like this:


td {
  overflow: hidden;

Here is an example that demonstrates how this solution works in Firefox 11.0. Which browser are you currently using?

<table class="reference" style="table-layout:fixed; width: 300px;">
<th align="left">Tag</th>
<th align="left">Description</th>
<td>&lt;col /&gt;</td>
<td style="overflow: hidden;">Definesattributevaluesforoneormorecolumnsinatable</td>

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