Is there a way to eliminate shadows from a View/Image that is absolutely positioned

I recently added a materialistic "Add" button to my Android-primary React Native app. Despite using the elevation style property for shadows on other elements, it seems to stop working when applied to an absolutely positioned element. I understand that this may be due to absolute positioning ignoring general layout rules, but I still believe a shadow should appear.

From what I gather, Android receives elevation while iOS uses different shadow properties.

This is what I'm aiming for:

However, no shadow appears once I set the element's style as absolute (in the bottom right corner).

Am I missing something, or is it simply not functional at the moment?

Answer №1

At this time, React Native does not have built-in shadow support for Android. Utilizing the elevation property seems to be the best way forward in achieving this effect. Please keep in mind that this method may only be effective on Android 5.0 and above.

Another option to consider is using the following module: I have personally had success with this solution.

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