Is there a way to deactivate a clickable div immediately after it has been clicked on?

I have been searching for a solution to this particular question on different platforms, including Stack Overflow. However, I am looking for an answer using pure JavaScript only, so please avoid jQuery solutions.

In order to provide context, I have included all of my code below. The issue seems to be related to the JavaScript section. My specific question is: How can I disable the "signup" div after it has been clicked once?

I have attempted to use a disable statement before calling the frame and fadeOut functions inside the HideLogin() function. I also experimented with CSS pointer-events, but nothing has worked so far. Each time I click SignUp, the animations repeat. Any assistance in solving this would be greatly appreciated.

JavaScript code here...
CSS code here...
HTML head content... HTML body elements...

Answer №1

If you don't have a specific reason to utilize <div> tags for your buttons, consider switching the HTML over to using <button> elements instead. By doing this, you'll be able to deactivate it with the disabled attribute and it will block any additional clicks without requiring you to keep track of extra JavaScript variables.

<button id="signup" onclick="HideLogin()">Sign Up</button>

function HideLogin() {
    document.getElementById("signup").disabled = true;

Answer №2

My recommendation would be as follows:

begin by defining a global variable clickStatus=false

next, within your HideLogin function:

HideLogin = function(){
        // Proceed with other actions

This way, on the initial click, clickStatus will be set to true. Any subsequent clicks on the button will have no effect.

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