Is there a way to customize these columns if they are not affected by CSS?

When visiting the website, I noticed that there are pages with columns that aren't responding to the CSS. Even though I've successfully used flex-box before, these specific columns under .categories-wrapper and .content-block just won't budge. Here's an example on the Services and Solutions page.

I'm curious if these unresponsive columns are tied to plugins or perhaps a different stylesheet altogether. I attempted applying .products-wrapper without success. There's also a #secondary li.categories, but I'm hesitant to modify it using flexbox. Could the missing CSS be hidden within the WordPress template I've already checked? [These troublesome columns appear across multiple pages, not just the homepage.]

Answer №1

Looking at the style.css file, you will find the following:

.row {
  margin-bottom: 40px;
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: column;

It is important to add a semicolon after "display: flex" in order for the styling to work correctly.

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