Is there a way to customize the design of an HTML scrollbar to resemble the one often seen on Google search engine result pages

While casually browsing online, I stumbled upon something truly unique. The image below shows a Google search result in Firefox that I have never encountered before or since.

This screenshot captured a search result that was scrollable within itself. Isn't it intriguing?

If only we could replicate this scroll bar mechanism. Unfortunately, Firefox typically doesn't allow CSS styling of scroll bars, leading to potential design issues on web pages.

Answer №1

If you need a solution for this problem, jQuery UI is the way to go. Explore their slider feature for assistance.

One of the advantages of using jQuery UI is that all of their widgets are designed to be ARIA-enabled and accessible via keyboard navigation. Give it a try by using the arrow keys or page-up/page-down keys in the demo.

You can easily integrate this functionality into your website within just 20 minutes. If you're already familiar with jQuery UI, it may take even less time.

Answer №2

If you are using webkit browsers, leverage the power of the ::-webkit-scrollbar css selector for styling scrollbars.

Answer №3

To implement a custom scroll bar and div element, you will need to utilize JavaScript. As of now, the ability to style scrollbars is limited to Internet Explorer 5.

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