Is there a way to create an image gallery layout similar to Pinterest using CSS?

I am currently developing a dynamic PHP gallery that will feature thumbnails with the same width but varying heights. These thumbnails will be arranged from left to right, so I would prefer not to use a traditional five-column layout. I suspect that achieving this layout using only CSS may not be feasible. Do you happen to know of any jQuery scripts that could help achieve this? I believe this type of gallery layout is quite common...

Answer №1

Check out this innovative CSS solution using CSS3 columns. Keep in mind that it may not be compatible with older browsers, learn more (click). View live demo here (click).

If you need a more versatile JavaScript solution, consider using masonry.js, isotope.js, or packery.js.

<div class="col-5">
  <div class="sm"></div>
  <div class="lg"></div>
  <div class="sm"></div>
  <div class="sm"></div>
  <div class="lg"></div>

  <div class="lg"></div>
  <div class="sm"></div>
  <div class="lg"></div>
  <div class="lg"></div>
  <div class="lg"></div>  


.col-5 {
  -webkit-column-count: 5;
  -moz-column-count: 5;
  column-count: 5;

.col-5 > div {
  display: inline-block;

.sm {
  height: 75px;
.lg {
  height: 125px;

Answer №2

One potential solution is to utilize a Jquery plugin such as the one mentioned below:


Answer №3

For achieving a layout similar to 'pintrest', consider organizing your content into an array of columns and looping through each column to determine the shortest height. Then, place the next box in that particular column.

This approach ensures compatibility with all browsers [except those with JavaScript disabled], allowing you to customize the column widths as needed.

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