Elements vanish when SHAKE effect is in use

I've been experimenting with this framework and I'm struggling to get the shaking effect to work properly. Whenever I hover over an element, other divs seem to disappear. I tried using different versions of JQuery and JQuery UI on JSFiddle, and it worked, but when I choose the latest version, everything breaks. Any advice or tips would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!


$( ".box" ).mouseenter(function() {
$( this ).effect( "shake", { direction: "up", times: 4, distance: 10}, 1000 );
$( this ).finish().effect( "shake", { direction: "up", times: 4, distance: 2}, 1000 );

Answer №1

Eliminating this particular line is crucial for resolving the issue:

$( this ).finish().effect( "shake", { direction: "up", times: 4, distance: 2}, 1000 );

Instead, consider using the following code snippet:

$( ".box" ).mouseover(function() {
  $(this).effect( "shake", { direction: "up", times: 4, distance: 2}, 1000 );

If you want to ensure one effect finishes before starting another, use the following method:

var start = true,
    delay = 1000;

$(".box").mouseover(function() {
  if (start) {
    start = false;
    $(this).effect("shake", { direction: "up", times: 4, distance: 2}, delay);

    setTimeout(function () {
      start = true;
    }, delay)

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