Is there a way to conceal the parent element when the child element is hidden from view?

Wanting to remove the stars badge in the review section of a Shopify store when there are 0 reviews for the product. The goal is to have the badge appear automatically once a review is received. Here's the code snippet:


 <div class="spr-badge-container">
    <span class="stamped-product-reviews-badge stamped-main-badge" data-id="{{ }}" data-product-sku="{{ product.handle }}" data-product-type="{{product.type}}" data-product-title="{{product.title}}"  style="display: inline-block;">{{ product.metafields.stamped.badge }}</span>


.stamped-container[data-count="0"][data-version="2"] { 
display:none !important; 

The above CSS hides the star ratings inside the "spr-badge-container". My aim is to hide the entire "spr-badge-container" DIV if the enclosed SPAN element is hidden.

I've attempted different approaches without success. Any suggestions or an easier solution would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you, J

P.S. This is the HTML rendered by the browser:

HTML for review stars section

<div class="spr-badge-container review-margin-cust">
 ... (omitted for brevity) ...

HTML for main reviews section

<div class="stamped-container" data-count="0" data-widget-style="standard2" data-widget-language=""
    ... (omitted for brevity) ...

Additionally, here is the complete CSS for hiding these elements:


 #stamped-main-widget .stamped-container[data-count="0"] { display: none !important; }
     .stamped-container[data-count="0"][data-version="2"] { display:none !important; }

Answer №1

Based on your explanation, one possible solution is to initially hide all elements with the class .spr-badge-container and then show them if there is a value on page load.


.spr-badge-container{ display: none;}


window.onload = ()=>{
 if(jQuery('.stamped-container').data('count') != '0' ){
   $(".spr-badge-container").css('display', 'block');
   // use CSS or show to display the container

Please note that the JavaScript code requires jQuery to function properly, so make sure to load the jQuery library before including this code.

Answer №2

Just wanted to express my gratitude for the solution provided, it worked like a charm! Made a few adjustments to tailor it perfectly for my needs.


    .spr-badge-container {
        display: none;

    #stamped-main-widget .stamped-container[data-count="0"] {
        display: none !important;

    window.onload = () => {
        if (jQuery('.stamped-container').data('count') != '0') {
            $(".spr-badge-container").css('display', 'block');

Thank you once again! This issue had me stumped for quite some time.

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