Is there a way to automatically hide divs with the style "visibility:hidden" if they are not visible within the viewport?

Currently, I am working on developing a mobile web app. Unfortunately, Safari in iOS 5.1 or earlier has limited memory capabilities. In order to reduce memory usage while using css3 transitions, I have discovered that utilizing the css styles "display:none / visibility: hidden" prevents any crashes due to memory issues. Therefore, I aim to hide elements only when they are truly hidden.

Here is an image illustrating my point:

Another instance where a website effectively utilized the "visibility: hidden" property to conceal sections not currently on screen can be found here:

Check out this example website: Dentsu Network

Answer №1

If you're using jQuery, there is a handy plugin that provides viewport selectors.

An effective technique is to initially hide everything with visibility:hidden; and then reveal only the items within the user's current viewport. As the user scrolls, you can continually update which elements are in view and display them accordingly.

 $(":in-viewport").css("visibility", "visible")

Answer №2

By utilizing the `document.body.scrollTop` property and the dimensions of the window, it is possible to determine the viewport.

For instance, if the scrollTop value is 100px, this indicates that the user has scrolled down by 100px. At this point, you might consider hiding a div that covers the top 100px of the screen while displaying a div that begins at 101px and continues until reaching the height of the screen.

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