Is there a way to alter the color of options within a select tag when hovering the mouse over them

After searching through multiple websites, I couldn't find a solution on how to change the option background color on hover from blue to green. The screenshot provided below illustrates what I am requesting for in a clearer manner.

I attempted to use the following CSS code, however it did not produce any impact: option:hover{background:green;}

Answer №1

To update the design of select option form elements with CSS, you can create a custom dropdown using JavaScript. Here is an example:

<div class="dropdown-wrap" id="dropdown-wrap">
    <div class="dropdown-head pointerCursor" id="dropdown-head">
        <span class="sel-option" id="sel-option">Display header</span>

    <ul class="list-ul pointerCursor hide" id="list-ul">
        <li class="list-li" data-val="1">1</li>
        <li class="list-li" data-val="2">2</li>
        <li class="list-li" data-val="3">3</li>

You should add event listeners to show and hide the dropdown list:

document.getElementById('dropdown-head').addEventListener('click', (e) => this.showTeamsList(e));

document.getElementById('dropdown-wrap').addEventListener('mouseleave', (e) => this.hideTeamsList(e));

The event listener functions will manipulate the visibility of the list by adding or removing the 'hide' class, which sets the max-height property to 0.

.hide {
    max-height: 0 !important;

In the CSS for list-ul, make sure to include overflow: hidden to fully hide the list when needed.

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