Is there a way to align certain buttons to the left and others to the right within a DIV?

One of the strategies I experimented with was:

<div class="block-footer">
        <button class="align-left">xx</button>
        <button class="align-right">yy</button>

I'm curious, is there a way to make button xx align to the left and yy align to the right?

Answer №2

The float property determines if a box (an element) should float.

Note: When elements are absolutely positioned, they do not adhere to the float property!

left This will make the element float to the left.

right This will make the element float to the right.


    float: left;

    float: right;

Here is an example in your HTML File:

    <button class="align-left">xx</button>
    <button class="align-right">yy</button>

Alternatively, you can also apply it directly with inline CSS.

    <button style="float: left;">xx</button>
    <button style="float: right;">yy</button>
    <div style="clear: both;"></div>

Answer №3

Consider employing float styles:

    float: left;
    float: right;

Answer №4

To position elements on the left or right, you can employ "float:left" and "float:right" within your styles.



Answer №5

If you're looking for a solution, consider this:

<div class="block-footer" style="width:100%;float:left;">
   <div style="width:100%;float:left;">
      <button style="width:100%;float:left;" class="align-left">xx</button>
      <button style="width:100%;float:right;" class="align-right">yy</button>

Give it a try!

Answer №6

To align elements using CSS, you can utilize the float property like so:


Check out this example on jsFiddle: here

Answer №7

Give this a try:

<div class="block-footer">
        <button style="float: left;">xx</button>
        <button style="float: right;">yy</button>
        <div style="clear: both;"></div>

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